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The Dance of Pursuit: Chasing After Jesus Unrelentlessly

Sep 30, 2024

3 min read




Have you ever been on the hunt for something? Maybe it was your keys, a favorite recipe, or that one song you just couldn't get out of your head but couldn’t remember the name. The search can sometimes feel frustrating, but isn’t there always that beautiful moment when you finally find what you’re looking for? There's a mix of relief, joy, and satisfaction, isn’t there?

In Song of Solomon 3:1-4, we find a woman searching for her beloved in the night. Her longing is deep; her pursuit is relentless. And yet, the search isn’t immediate—she doesn’t find him right away. She looks high and low, asks for help, and only after all that searching does she finally find him. When she does, she holds him tightly, not wanting to let go. What a picture this paints of our pursuit of Christ!

The Dance of Pursuit

Our relationship with Jesus is much like a dance. There are moments where we feel perfectly in sync with Him, stepping effortlessly to the rhythm of His grace. Then, there are moments where we lose the beat, where it feels like He’s distant, and the steps become harder to follow. But just like any good dance, the beauty isn’t just in the ease of it, but also in the pursuit to get it right, to keep moving even when it feels a little off.

Maybe you're in a season where you feel like you're in the middle of a long search, longing for the nearness of Christ but not quite finding it. You might be wondering, "Is there something wrong with me? Why can't I feel close to Him?" Oh, dear friend, you are not alone. We all go through seasons of searching. And you know what? That’s okay. It's part of the dance.

Take the Step

The woman in Song of Solomon didn’t wait passively for her beloved to come to her; she took action. She got up from her bed and searched for him. When we’re longing for a deeper connection with Christ, we, too, are invited to take a step. This isn't about striving or trying to earn His love—it’s about being intentional in our pursuit. Maybe that step looks like quiet moments in prayer, reading scripture, worship, or simply sitting in stillness, waiting to feel His presence.

The truth is, Jesus never hides from us. He’s not playing hard-to-get. Sometimes it may feel like He’s far off, but He’s closer than we realize. And often, in the search, we find more than just Him—we find a deeper sense of who we are in Him. Every step you take in the dance, no matter how small or uncertain, is drawing you closer to the One who already loves you completely.

Joy in the Pursuit

Now, here’s the good news: the search for Christ isn't meant to be heavy or burdensome. It's not about feeling guilty if you don’t feel “close enough.” It’s an invitation into joy. Just imagine—Jesus, the King of the universe, wants you to search for Him. He delights in being found by you.

So, if you find yourself searching, don’t get discouraged. In fact, let that longing be a source of hope. The very fact that you desire more of Him means your heart is in the right place. You’re dancing! And like in any dance, there will be moments where you feel the connection fully and moments where you might miss a step. But the dance itself—the pursuit—is beautiful.

Cling to What You Find

When the woman in Song of Solomon found her beloved, she clung to him tightly, not letting go. When we experience those moments of closeness with Christ, let’s hold on to them. Cling to the joy and the peace that comes from knowing Him. Let those moments anchor you through the times when He feels distant. Just like in a dance, you’ll find the rhythm again. You’ll reconnect with Him, and when you do, hold on with all your heart.

You’re Dancing

Here’s a little joyful wisdom to carry with you: Jesus is always with you, whether you’re aware of Him or not. The times of searching aren’t wasted. They’re building something deep within you—a greater appreciation for His presence, a stronger faith, and a heart that knows how to dance even in the silence.

Remember, the dance isn’t about getting every step perfect—it’s about staying in the rhythm of pursuit. And trust me, Jesus delights in every single step you take toward Him. So, wherever you are today in your walk with Christ, know this: you’re dancing. Keep moving, keep seeking, and you’ll find Him again and again, right there in the middle of the dance floor.

Dancing with Jesus,

Tracee Padilla