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Finding Focus in a World of Distractions

Dec 10, 2024

4 min read




A Deeper Reflection on Isaiah 2

This year, I’ve been on a journey of learning how to make room for the Lord in every area of my life. I can picture Him standing at the door of my heart, knocking. When I invite Him in, there’s so much clutter—things I’ve held onto, things I think are important—that all I can offer Him is a small seat in the far corner of the room. There’s no space for Him to truly dwell because my life is filled with what I believe has value. But I’ve been asking myself: does it really? How do the things I’ve surrounded myself with compare to the greatness and power of God?

This pursuit has led me through a book by Francis Frangipane, And I Will Be Found By You, and let me tell you, that book—along with the Bible study I’ve been doing this year—has truly messed me up in the best possible way.

So, as I was reading in Isaiah 2 one evening before I turned out the lights, it paints this incredible picture of God’s ultimate peace, power, glory, majesty, and justice. It’s a reminder that His kingdom is above everything else. Let's jump in and read for a sec:

"In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be the highest of all - the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills, and people from all over the world will stream there to worship. People from many nations will come and say, 'Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of Jacob's God. There he will teach us his ways, and we will walk in his paths." Isaiah 2:1-3 NLT

You see, people will be drawn to Him from all over, not out of fear, but because they realize He holds the truth they’ve been seeking. It’s a vision of beautiful transformation where conflict gives way to peace and restoration. It goes on to say:

"The Lord will mediate between nations and will settle international disputes. They will hammer their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will no longer fight against nation, nor train for war anymore." Isaiah 2:4 NLT

But the chapter doesn’t stop there. Isaiah’s message brings a deep conviction—one that cuts through the noise of everyday life and whispers, “Are you truly walking with God intimately? Or have you been distracted by everything else?”

A Call to Refocus

I’ll be honest. This message humbled me and created an even deeper longer to know Him more. It’s so easy to get caught up in the world—our daily to-do lists, the endless demands, the temptations of pride, wealth, and security. We find ourselves distracted, chasing things that don’t last, only to realize we’ve strayed from the one thing that does: God.

Isaiah gives a strong warning about pride and misplaced trust. We can spend so much time trying to control our circumstances, building walls of “security” that we think will protect us - living behind the veils we think are creating a safety net around us. But in reality, those walls can keep us from seeing what God wants for our lives. He is the only real source of direction and peace, and when we try to walk outside of that, we miss the bigger picture.

A Reminder of God’s Greatness

What also stood out to me was the greatness of God that Isaiah describes. Everything we think is powerful—wealth, status, even nations—pales in comparison to God’s majesty. That vision of God towering above it all deeply moved me at the visual this created in my spirit. It is a continual reminder that I’m not called to build my own little kingdom here on earth, but to seek His kingdom and His purpose for my life to build HIS kingdom. But here's the crazy beautfuil thing about that: we get to be a part of building His kingdom because we are His children.

God’s greatness isn’t meant to intimidate us but to inspire us to lean in closer, to rely on Him more, and to reflect His glory more brightly. It’s an invitation to live differently (Romans 12:2)—not according to the world’s standards but according to His.

Pursuing What Truly Matters

As I reflected on Isaiah 2, I felt this overwhelming convicting desire to pursue God deeper: I don’t want to get caught up in the things of this world. I don’t want to be distracted by the fleeting. My deepest desire is to pursue God with everything I have—to be more like Him, to shine more like Him.

We have a choice in this life. We can either let the world pull us in all directions or we can plant ourselves firmly in the truth of who God is and what He’s called us to. And as we do, we start to see that His purpose for our lives is so much greater than anything we could imagine on our own.

So, if you’re feeling the same pull—if God’s Word is stirring something inside you—let this be your encouragement today. Let’s refocus. Let’s commit to walking passionately for God, leaving behind the distractions, and pursuing Him above all else. Because when we do, we not only live in the peace and purpose He’s promised, but we also become a reflection of His greatness to those around us.

Living to please Him,

Tracee Padilla