Don't Quit: Faith Doesn't Fold. It Fights.

Don’t Quit: Faith Doesn't Fold. It Fights.
Let’s be honest—there are moments when quitting sounds like the best option. When the weight of the calling feels too heavy, when the dream you've carried for years looks impossible, when the work is exhausting and the results seem non-existent. But here’s the truth: faith isn’t about walking a path that always makes sense. It’s about trusting the One who called you to it, even when nothing makes sense at all.
Galatians 6:9 reminds us:
“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”(NLT)
That last part—if we don’t give up—that’s the key, isn’t it?
Noah understood what it meant to hold on when everything in him probably wanted to let go. Imagine it: God tells him to build an ark because a flood is coming. A flood. And up to that point, it had never rained. Not once. Can you even fathom the level of faith required to spend DECADES building a massive boat with no evidence that it was even necessary? Noah endured ridicule, laughter, people rolling their eyes and calling him crazy. Day after day, year after year, hammering and cutting and shaping something that seemed absurd to everyone else.
And yet, he didn’t quit.
Why? Because he believed that what God told him was true. He activated his faith, put his trust in motion, and kept moving forward despite the opposition, despite the unknown, despite the wait. And eventually—just as God said—the rain came.
That’s the faith walk.
Sometimes, faith means waiting longer than we’d like. Sometimes, it means standing firm when everything around us says to give up. And sometimes, it means stepping back to heal so that God can prepare us for what’s ahead.
When I went through my divorce back in 2012, I stepped away from leading worship. It wasn’t that I wanted to quit, but I knew I needed time to heal. But as the years went by, I began to wonder if I’d ever lead again. Then one day, a well-meaning pastor told me that worship leading was for the younger generation, that as we get older, we become 'dated.' His words unsettled me because I couldn’t find one example in scripture where age determined when someone’s calling ended. In fact, the opposite was true—the older people got, the more they walked into their calling with greater purpose and anointing.
I wrestled with his words for a while, letting the enemy play on my doubts. But in 2018, five years after I had stepped away, something shifted. I wasn’t longing for a stage, but I found myself longing to lead people into the presence of God again. Tears filled my eyes as I whispered, "Lord, will I ever lead worship again?" Sometimes we ask God a question and don’t get an answer right away. Other times, He responds immediately.
That Sunday, in the middle of worship, a woman walked up to me and said, "I have a word from the Lord for you." Her words were the exact answer to my question. "Yes... the word of God is like honey to your lips... keep pursuing me and I will make it happen."
I held onto that word, not knowing when or how, but trusting that in God’s timing, it would come to pass. And then, in June 2019, I got a call from Pastor's Johnny and Shantrel Chase—old friends I hadn’t seen in years. "Tracee, are you living in Nashville?" they asked. "Yes!" I responded. And that’s where it all began again. They were planting a church and needed a worship leader. What I didn’t realize was that God had been preparing me for this moment all along. I had been following their journey, reading about their vision, drawn to what they were doing without understanding why. But that’s how God works—He prepares us before we even know what’s coming.
So when the call came, I knew my answer. Yes. Because God wasn’t done with me yet. At 48 years old, He was still writing my story and hasn't stopped since....
Faith presses on.
Paul said it like this in Philippians 3:14:
“I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” (NLT)
And so should you.
If you’re tired, rest in Him—but don’t quit.
If you’re doubting, take a deep breath and remember why you started—but don’t quit.
If you don’t see progress, trust that God is working behind the scenes—but don’t quit.
The enemy loves to plant seeds of discouragement right before the breakthrough. He wants you to believe that all this effort is for nothing, that you’re forgotten, that the promise is too far gone. But the devil is a liar.
You were made for more. You were created with a divine purpose. The calling on your life is not by accident. Keep going, because there is a harvest coming, and it will be worth every battle, every tear, and every moment you chose faith over fear.
Keep building. Keep trusting. Keep walking. Keep fighting.
Don’t. Quit.
Your story isn’t over yet.