Feeling Forgotten: How God Sees You When Life Feels Unfair

Let’s sit down and talk for a moment—life doesn’t always feel fair. Sometimes, it feels like you’re stuck in the middle of a battle you never signed up for. People have let you down, maybe even walked away. You’ve tried to do the right thing, but it feels like the unjust are winning, and you’re left holding the pieces of a life that’s been ripped apart. If that’s where you are today, I want to lean in and tell you something straight:
God sees you.
Yes, I realize that might sound like one of those churchy phrases you’ve heard a million times. Honestly, when I was in the darkest battle of my life, it was hard to even grasp that truth. But hear me out. Psalm 9 is not just another “feel-good” scripture—it’s a raw look into the life of someone who’s been through it all, and it’s got a message we can’t afford to miss: God’s justice is real, and He’s not sleeping on your situation.
If you’ve ever even for a second felt like God isn’t aware of your current circumstances, that’s a lie straight from the enemy. God is not a man that He should lie. Only the father of lies, Satan himself, would speak that to you. But let’s be real: when you’re in the thick of it, it’s hard to truly grasp that truth because the overwhelming emotions that come with feeling forgotten are heavy. Still, we can’t let the feelings of a difficult season trump God’s truth in our lives.
So, let’s take a deeper look into what David was going through when he wrote this psalm and gain a better understanding of how much God truly cares. Trust me—He sees what you’re walking through, and even better, He has a resolve for you.
God’s Got the Oppressed Covered
David, the man who wrote this psalm, wasn’t sitting in a palace having people tending to his every need. He had enemies at his door, real-life battles, and moments where it felt like the world was against him. Sound familiar? Maybe you’ve been fighting to hold things together for so long that you’ve forgotten what it’s like to feel safe.
Here’s what David knew deep down, and what you need to hear today: "The Lord is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble." (Psalm 9:9, NLT)
That word “refuge” hits different when you’re barely hanging on. It’s not just a place to hide; it’s a place where you’re safe, even when the world is falling apart. God sees your trouble, and He’s not just standing by. He’s your shelter—your safe place—and you can run to Him when everything else feels shaky.
The Unjust Won’t Win Forever
We’ve all seen it and, let’s be honest, it’s frustrating—how the ones who don’t follow the rules seem to get ahead. The people who hurt us? They’re out there living like nothing happened, while we’re left picking up the pieces. But Psalm 9 has a response to that: "The nations have fallen into the pit they dug for others. Their own feet have been caught in the trap they set." (Psalm 9:15, NLT)
David is straight-up saying that those who dig pits for others will eventually fall into them. It may not be today, and it might not happen the way you expect, but God’s justice will catch up to the unjust. There’s no getting away with it forever. So while you’re feeling abandoned, thinking the people who wronged you are winning, God is working it out. Their pit is waiting.
That said, if those who wronged you turn to God and truly surrender, He offers them grace and forgiveness. But let me be clear—that doesn’t mean you have to bring them back into your life. Depending on what you’ve been through, boundaries are important for your healing.
God Doesn’t Abandon the Helpless
Now, here’s the truth that hits home for all of us who’ve ever felt forgotten or ignored: "The needy will not be ignored forever; the hopes of the poor will not always be crushed." (Psalm 9:18, NLT)
You may feel like your hope has been crushed—maybe your trust was broken by people who should have been there for you, or maybe life didn’t go the way you planned—but God has not forgotten you. Not for a second. He hears the cries you whisper when no one else is around, and He’s paying attention when you think no one cares.
What Do You Do While You Wait for God to Act?
So what now? You know God is just. You know He’s your shelter. But what do you do while you wait for Him to move, while you’re still feeling the sting of being left behind or overlooked?
Keep praising.
I know, it sounds crazy. You’re thinking, “How can I praise God when I feel like this?” But that’s the real secret of Psalm 9. David starts with praise before he sees the rescue:
"I will praise you, Lord, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things you have done." (Psalm 9:1, NLT)
Even when it feels like the world is crumbling, praise shifts your focus off the problem and back onto the God who holds it all. It’s not about pretending everything is fine—it’s about reminding yourself that even in the mess, God is still good, and He’s not going to leave you hanging.
God’s Justice Is Coming
Here’s the bottom line: God’s justice doesn’t operate on our timeline, but it’s coming. The people who have wronged you, the unfair situations, the things that feel impossible right now—God hasn’t missed any of it. He’s got you, and He’s got it under control.
What I’ve learned most from feeling abandoned and forgotten is this: Don’t focus on the person who did the wrong. Focus on your personal healing and how to move forward. Forgiveness is key—not for them, but for your own spiritual benefit. You can’t move forward while holding onto grudges, no matter how deep the injustice was. Part of letting go is forgiving the person between you and God, and moving forward, leaving the injustice behind.
I had to learn this myself. If I’d held unforgiveness in my heart, I’d have spent the last 12 years walking around like I had a ball and chain on my feet, constantly reminded of my past pain. But living life unveiled means giving the injustice to God, allowing Him to work the beautiful process of repair, restoration, and renewal in your life.
So, if you’re feeling abandoned, remember this: God doesn’t abandon His people.
He sees you.
He hears you.
And He’s going to work it out in His time.
Your job isn’t to figure out how or when—it’s to trust that He will. And while you wait, let praise be your weapon. It’s what keeps your heart aligned with the One who will never, ever leave you behind.
Take a deep breath, my friend. God’s got this. And He’s got you, too.
Here are several Heart Talk Podcast videos that relate to this topic for deeper study and encouragement:
The Treasure Box: How to Hold Onto Joy in Every Season
Why Worship?: What Happens When We Worship
The Why Pile: When Life Doesn't Always Make Sense
Keep moving forward,
Tracee Padilla